John Wesley United Methodist Church, 129 N. Potomac St., Hagerstown. MD is seeking a part-time Custodian/Caretaker to clean and handle basic repairs for all public-facing areas of the church. Working parts of Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays, and Sundays, the custodian/caretaker, working in coordination with church staff and volunteers, will open and close the building for scheduled and special activities. Applicants must have relevant experiences and references, and work well with people. To view the full job description and apply to work on our smoke and drug free campus, go to
Interim/Transitional Pastor and Pulpit Supply wanted
Hebron Mennonite Church located in Hagerstown is seeking an interim pastor for approximately 1 year. Position is 60-75% FTE and includes preaching, pastoral care, and assisting the congregation in processing next steps. Sunday pulpit supply is also wanted while the church is in the search process. Hebron is open to clergy from denominations not affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA for both pulpit supply and the interim position. Contact the church office at or call Bob Keener at 717-658-8765.
Seeking Contemporary Music Accompanist
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hagerstown, MD is currently seeking a part time keyboard player who possesses a passion for contemporary / traditional church music. Potential candidate will work cohesively and collaboratively with the praise team vocalists to lead and create an uplifting worship for Sunday worship, including accompanying Praise Team soloists and congregational hymn singing and preparation of preludes and postludes. He or she will have the ability to lead and teach songs during rehearsals and accompany during services that occur on a bi-weekly schedule, as well as additional services such as Christmas Eve, Lenten and Holy Week services. Salary based on education and experience. Please send letter of interest, resume / curriculum vitae to Pat Kelley, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 601 Washington Ave., Hagerstown, MD, 21740 or email No phone calls please
CHT Items Need New Home
With the final worship service of Church of the Holy Trinity, UCC scheduled for Sunday, April 24, and the dissolution of CHT, UCC being June 30, 2022, they have been sorting through and coming up with some items needing a new home including:
- Paraments, Altar Cloths: white, green, red, purple, blueA
- Candle Lighters
- Altar Candles (oil) and Advent Candles (oil) (1” diameter)
- Royal Blue Choir Robes with Blue and White Stoles
- File Cabinet of Choral Music
- Four-tray Aluminum Communion Set
- Boehm Nativity Set: “Spirit of Bethlehem”, 16 all-porcelain pieces, with the boxes, and a lighted stable. Price negotiable.
This is just a short list of what’s been identified so far. Between April 24 and June 30, they will be going through the remaining items more thoroughly.
Please get in touch with Consistory President Barb Ware if your church is interested in any of the above. She can be reached at or 301-331-2605.
Equity in Education Scholarship
HARC is excited to announce the opening of “The Equity in Education Scholarship Fund for the 2022/2023 school year. Multiple scholarships will be awarded annually ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 to racially minoritized students (with preference to African American students) who reside in Washington County, Md., and are pursuing a degree in education or a related field.
The application is open now through May 31.
Applicants must be accepted into an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program and pursuing a degree in education or a related field OR be accepted into a Master of Arts in Teaching program, among other requirements
This initiative was established through a partnership between the Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) Racial Justice Team, Rise Up Hagerstown, and the Education Foundation of WCPS. For more details about requirements and how to apply visit the Education Foundation of WCPS Equity in Education web page.
Initial funding for this scholarship was provided by Rise Up Hagerstown. Additional donations are desired to provide more scholarships. Donations can be made directly to the Education Foundation of WCPS here, or you may contribute to a faith community combined donation through HARC.
St. Mark’s Blessings Food & Clothes Closet debuts Friday, April 22
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Lappans, debuts ‘St. Mark’s Blessings Food & Clothes Closet’ on Friday, April 22. Hours of operation will be Fridays and Saturdays, 1-4 PM inside our Parish Hall. Items will be available by donations. As clientele increases, hours will be on a daily basis.
St. Mark’s also offers Blessings Boxes, installed several years ago to include canned, boxed, and dry goods, as well as cleaning and toiletry supplies which are supplied by the parish. They originally closed over the winter months due to freezing weather but now remain open 24/7/365. They are found on the front porch of our Parish Hall. No vouchers are needed for proof of need.
St. Mark’s is located on the right at 18313 Lappans Road (considered Boonsboro), just a quarter mile east off of Sharpsburg Pike