Have you wondered if you might enjoy learning Tai Chi? Then, come and experience a beginners T’ai Chi class at Otterbein. They would love to have you join them. Classes will resume on Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm starting on January 18 through February 15, 2023 (5 week session). Cost is $25, payable at the 1st class. All ages are welcome. To register, sign up on-line or contact Kate in the church office: office@otterumc.org or 301-739-9386. More information about the classes and instructor, Paul Cote, are included in the flyer.
Invite to Local Clergy – Vespers Service to launch Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
For over 100 years the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches has jointly sponsored this annual observance from January 18 – 25 as a way for all Christians to be reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (John 17:21). This year’s world-wide them is: “Do Good; Seek Justice” (Isaiah 1:17)
Saint Ann Catholic Church warmly invites everyone from our local congregations to join us for a simple service of prayer & music known as “Vespers” – or Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours. Local ministers are invited to arrive at 4:00pm, to vest in your tradition’s appropriate vesture, and to please RSVP (301-733-0410 or stannchurch.com) to let us know that you will attend.
The service of prayer should take about 30 minutes and, at the conclusion, a brief tour of our sanctuary will be offered for those who may wish to remain for a few moments.
FREE Trees! Most projects considered!
The state of Maryland has a 5 Million Trees Initiative with the goal of engaging communities in getting as many trees planted as possible. As part of this initiative, a variety of grants are available to houses of worship, businesses, and neighborhoods (not individuals) who want trees for shade, healthy water, backyard buffers, or even a memorial garden or other beautification project. Projects can be small or large-scale and include contract work for planting or even high-cost site prep such as removing concrete and rebuilding around the trees. Location-wise, nearly every site in Maryland is eligible, and lots of funds are currently available, so most projects will be considered!
No grant-writing experience? Not sure if you have a viable project or which grant to apply for? No worries! The Maryland Forest Service has a dedicated specialist to help you determine a good grant “fit” and guide you through the process. To learn more contact Anna Twigg, MPA, Tree Planting Specialist for Frederick & Washington County, (301)-791-4010 / anna.twigg@maryland.gov.
Application deadlines:
February 15 for spring planting (best to apply by January)
July 15 for fall planting (best to apply by June)
Recommend applying EARLY as applications need to be approved by the forestry board, which does not meet regularly.
Funding needed for the 2nd annual Equity in Education Scholarship
HARC is once again partnering with Washington County Public Schools and the Education Foundation of WCPS to offer the 2nd annual Equity in Education Scholarship. In 2022, we provided four scholarships to future educators, who are already serving schools while pursuing their degrees. With your help, we can serve even more. Your gift of $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500 or ANY amount will make a big difference in the lives of future educators and the hundreds of children they will serve! You can make your donation through the Community Foundation of Washington County HERE (choose “Equity in Education Scholarship” from the pull-down menu) or through the HARC website. Please share this FLYER to spread the word!
HARC meeting inspires non-violence and peacemaking action
What is the Season for Non-violence? How do we practice non-violence and peacemaking? How do we get these practices into the wider community? At HARC’s December 13 meeting, Rev. Sandy Boyer, Coordinator of HARC’s Interfaith Team addressed these questions and more, sharing practical resources and diving into a little discussion and practice around this very relevant topic.
The program was recorded; you can watch it on our YouTube channel.
The official Season for Nonviolence begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today. HARC encourages congregations and organizations to actively participate in this designated season. Find resources on our website HERE.
St. John’s Seeks Minister of Music
The Minister of Music leads all programs that surround the musical ministry of St John’s Episcopal Church. This includes, but is not limited to, serving as the principal organist for all services, directing the Adult Choir, Youth and Children’s choirs, Instrumental groups, and providing content for the congregation’s worship services as well as coordinating for special music events including a monthly Taize service, several evensongs, and the management of an annual concert series. All efforts of the Director of Music Ministries will support St. John’s vision and ministry. Learn more about the position and how to apply HERE.