Zion Reformed UCC is asking for donations for their Tuesday Ministry. On Tuesdays, they serve a hot meal and offer food from their pantry to help members of the community get through the week. During Covid and inflation, the number of people they help has increased dramatically. They are currently serving between 100-150 people every Tuesday. They are looking for donations to restock their pantry with items that are popular. Peanut Butter, Tuna Snack Packs, Chicken Snack Packs, Raisins, Fruit Snacks, and Chewy Breakfast Bars. They also welcome new volunteers! Anything you can do to help this much needed ministry is gratefully appreciated.
Call for Crafters and Vendors
New Board Members Elected at Annual Meeting
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) elected new members to its Board of Directors during its annual membership meeting on January 10, 2023.
Elected to the Board for 2023 are:
President: Rev. Christopher Serufusa of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Pastor Chris has been with the United Methodist Church of the Baltimore/Washington Conference for 27 years. He moved to Washington County four years ago with his wife, Elizabeth, and two sons, Mukisa, 17; and Mugabi, 15. Pastor Chris joined the HARC Board in July 2021 and was just elected to a one-year term as its president. “I appreciate [HARC’s] mission of caring and helping the needy. My prayer is to be a bridge,” he said. “I want to close the gap of racism that separates people. We are one people in the Lord.”
Vice president: Rabbi Mark Perman of Congregation B’nai Abraham
Rabbi Mark Perman and his wife, Elizabeth, arrived in Hagerstown in January 2022 so he could become the spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Abraham. Prior to moving to Los Angeles to be with Elizabeth in December 2020, Rabbi Mark had served as rabbi/cantor at B’er Chayim Congregation in Cumberland for four years. Previously, Rabbi Mark had also served congregations in Texas, Connecticut, Georgia, and New Jersey. He has worked as a hospital, hospice, and prison chaplain.
Rabbi Mark is excited to be on the board at HARC, since helping to build interfaith cooperation and connectedness has been a priority for him since graduating from Hebrew Union College-JIR in New York with ordination as a cantor in 1997. He is also a 1986 graduate of New York University. Rabbi Mark and Elizabeth enjoy sharing their home with their poodle, Chloe and cat, Apollo. When not working, Mark enjoys playing tennis, hiking, and hosting his weekly podcast and radio show called “The Interfaith Roundtable.”
Secretary: Kelly Z. Conrad, HARC PR & Marketing Volunteer; Writer, Novelist
Kelly began her 20-year career in the communications field as graphic artist, design editor, and copy editor at the former Herald-Mail Company, followed by positions as managing editor of several corporate in-house magazines. She also earned a master’s degree in mental health counseling and worked as a therapist for several years.
Kelly retired in 2016 and now uses her writing, editing, and communications skills as a volunteer for HARC, as well as for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness (PAILA) of Washington County. Kelly is an award-winning novelist in the historical fiction genre, with two published novels — Shaman and its sequel, The Passage — and an anthology of personal essays titled 7 p.m. (and other essays). She is passionate about making sure marginalized voices are heard. “I love everything HARC stands for,” Kelly says. “Contributing feeds me on many levels.” She lives in Hagerstown with her husband, Marcus.
At-large Board member: Rev. Les McIntosh, Sr., of Impact Ministries
Les L. McIntosh Sr. is the Lead Pastor of Impact Ministries in Hagerstown, Md. He is a native of Youngstown, Ohio, husband to beautiful wife Danita McIntosh and the father of five children, Kayla, Leslie Jr., Sydnee, Adriãna and Darian, and grandfather to Zola.
Pastor Mac is an anointed prolific Bible preacher and teacher. His passion for Christ began in childhood and includes service to the Kingdom as a deacon, elder, dean of Christian education, Sunday school teacher, men’s leader, evangelist, choir member and musician. He received his Elders License under the pastorate of Bishop David L. Herron of Warren, Ohio. Pastor Mac has a strong passion for ministry and a heart to serve leaders. He is also a successful business entrepreneur who founded and ran Les Energy LLC for 12 years until following God’s call to focus fully on ministry.
“I’m excited to be part of HARC, whose work I admire,” said Pastor Mac, “as well as excited to make an impact with those committed to making change.”
Grant Funding for Sacred Places
Historic houses of worship across America contribute significant value to their communities, and their historic and cultural significance are essential parts of our national heritage. Although many historic sacred places are considered icons of stability in their communities, today congregations of every faith face challenges in stewarding their aging and architecturally complex facilities.
Apply for a grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places to keep these places as an important part of our national cultural heritage.
The National Fund provides training, planning grants, technical assistance, capacity-building support, and capital grants up to $250,000 to congregations of all faiths for rehabilitation work on their historic facilities.
Submit your letter of intent by February 24 for projects such as:
- Urgent repair needs that are integral to life safety.
- Projects that improve the usability or ADA accessibility of the property.
- Renovation projects that support important community outreach.
Apply Here: https://www.fundforsacredplaces.org/apply/
Now in its seventh year, the National Fund for Sacred Places is made possible thanks to the generosity of Lilly Endowment Inc. Since its inception in 2016, the National Fund has awarded over $18 million to 97 community-serving congregations representing 24 faith traditions in 36 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
The fund has supported projects that range from steeple stabilization to exterior masonry repair to HVAC replacement. Learn about the 2022 grant recipients here.
Tell the Full American Story
The 100,000+ historic houses of worship across America play a crucial role in shaping the character of our communities and helping to preserve the full American story. Many are works of art whose beauty and history make them irreplaceable parts of our national cultural heritage. All are places that bring people together, strengthening, and enlivening communities.
In the face of changing demographics and inadequate resources, the National Fund for Sacred Places provides funding to congregations of all faiths for rehabilitation work on their historic facilities.
Apply today at www.FundforSacredPlaces.org.
The National Fund for Sacred Places is a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Afghan refugee family receives warm welcome in Hagerstown
Abdul and Nasira Sarfaraz and their four boys arrived in Hagerstown a little over a month ago, following a long and arduous journey, mostly on foot from South America, though they originally fled from their devastated home country of Afghanistan. They arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs and one contact, who agreed to sponsor them. Since then the faith and non-profit community in Hagerstown have worked together, offering a warm welcome and many basic needs for this family, demonstrating the love of God to our neighbor.
Coordination of this effort came through Shepherd Pratt Homeless Outreach and the kind-hearted Cindi Messersmith, HARC, and members of Trinity Lutheran Church, who spent the last year helping another Afghan family get settled here, followed by St. John’s Episcopal Church and other individuals. With outreach to the faith community and help from other community organizations, the Sarfaraz family went from 6 people living in one room of their sponsor’s house to a small house on their own with much of the furniture, housewares and supplies they need. Special thanks goes to Sleep in Heavenly Peace for providing beds for all four children, along with sheets, blankets and pillows for each. Thanks to many members of the community for dropping of furniture and supplies, food, and gift cards for food.
“A world thank you,” said Abdul Sarfaraz in a text, using Google translate. Though the family doesn’t speak much English yet, all of the children and the parents know how to say “Thank you” and are so very appreciative of the help. The children are now in school and Abdul and Nasira are working toward asylum. They are legally not allowed to work yet, so ongoing support of this family is needed while they work through the legal process. We pray they will continue to feel welcome and loved in our community.
This week two more Afghan families came forward for help, so the need continues and HARC would like to start a Refugee Welcome Team for Washington County. If you can help on the team or with any needs for these three families, please contact Kathy at director@harccoalition.org or 301-842-4272.
Sponsors and Participants Needed for Coldest Night of the Year Walk
Reach is partnering with Blue Seas Foundation to hold Maryland’s 1st EVER Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) family-friendly walk on February 25, 2023 at 5:00 at HCC’s ARCC.
CNOY is when we step outside the warmth and comfort of our own homes to raise awareness and funds for the most vulnerable in our community. Reach needs participants, team captains, and sponsors. See the attached poster and the Sponsorship Package – please reach out to your circle – friends, church, coworkers, business owners, schools, . . . start your own team or join Reach’s team.
For this event to be successful, we need everyone’s help. To see what CNOY is all about, click here: https://cnoy.com/location/hagerstown