
Beginning T’ai Chi Classes

Otterbein United Methodist Church 108 East Franklin Street, Hagerstown

Beginning Tai Chi Classes at Otterbein United Methodist Church Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. November 1, 8 and 15 (3weeks) Suggested Donation: $15 ($5 per session) This beginning course in […]


Who Is Your Cousin? Genealogy Seminar

Zion Reformed UCC 201 N. Potomac St, Hagerstown

Have you ever wondered about your ancestors and how they lived? Join Carol Miller-Schultz to learn tips and techniques to start a journey into your family’s past. Carol will share […]

Historic Houses of Worship Tour December 26, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

This annual event is FREE and open to the public. A wonderful opportunity to see the interiors of historic downtown Hagerstown houses of worship. Learn about the architecture and ecumenical heritage from docents and guides. Music, refreshments and local art will be featured at some locations.

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