“God’s Favorite!” – September 8-10, 15-17
The Potomac Playmakers Performing Arts Center
17303 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown
Neil Simon comedy: “God’s Favorite!” In the play, successful businessman Joe Benjamin is a modern-day ‘Job’ who is confronted by a Messenger from God with a test of Joe’s faith. The jokes fly fast and furious as Neil Simon spins a contemporary morality tale like no other! Showtime Friday & Saturday 8:00 p.m., Sunday 3:00 pm. All tickets $18, available at the door or online at https://www.potomacplaymakers.org/get-tickets/. For more info, contact The Potomac Playmakers at www.potomacplaymakers.org, potomacplaymakers@gmail.com or (240) 513-6260.