Spinet piano, cherry wood. Free but must move it. Good condition.
Contact: (301) 797-5204 or gcohen138@aol.com
Hagerstown Area Religious Council
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) is a coalition of churches and houses of faith in the Hagerstown area of Washington County.
The online raffle runs now through Nov. 13th. You can purchase your tickets online at habitat-wc.org/dinner-auction-raffle.
Mt. Hope Prison Ministry operates a food pantry for the community Monday-Thursday each week. They are in great need of volunteers in the mornings each day to help with food pick-ups from grocery stores, sorting and bagging food, and other tasks. If you can help, please contact Wanda at 301-791-2550 or glynnsingleton@msn.com
HARC’s October 2021 meeting focused on the current needs of children and families in Washington County. We were blessed to have a panel of leaders from organizations that work with children speak to us about challenges that children and families are facing, their greatest needs, community resources and programming that’s available, and how the faith community can help fill the gaps in those services. Link to the video recording on YouTube.
Our speakers included:
* Kathy Kerns, Director of the Washington County Judy Center
* Jen Younker, Director of Bester Community of Hope
* Tom Kline, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County
* Jessica Scott, Programs Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Washington County and Board Member/Acting Director for the Robert W. Johnson Community Center (filling in at the last minute)
Our speakers not only shared needs of our children and families, but a window into the world of families in poverty, encouraging us to greater empathy and understanding.
Our apologies for the poor sound quality as we had challenges with our microphone! You may need to turn up the volume at times, but it’s worth listening closely to what these dedicated professionals have to say. Lighting was also a challenge, so you may not see our speakers very well.
NEW LIGHT METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH, 40 West Church Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740 is once again collecting Hats and Gloves for Head Start Children. Hats and Gloves must be Kindergarten Children size.
Also, New Light is collecting Hats and Gloves for our Homeless Friends in the Community.
Please bring your Hats and Gloves to the church on Sundays, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
Other times may be arranged with Pastor Deb at 717-682-1873.
Monetary Donations are welcomed also for the purchase of Hats and Gloves.
Shiloh United Methodist Church
SKILLS NEEDED: A love of music and a strong desire to share your faith in Christ through music ministry. Excellent organ skills—technical dexterity and accuracy; command of the instrument. A true church organist with service-playing experience; ability to play hymns with proficiency and sensitivity; a passion for music ministry. Piano playing proficiency a plus.
ACCOUNTABILITY: The organist, as a paid casual employee, is under the guidance of the SPRC Committee and should communicate any employment concerns/change requests to the SPRC Chair.
The pastor will provide advanced worship planning. Songs appropriate for the season are found in The United Methodist Music and Worship Planner. The planner contains suggestions for songs which are appropriate for music according to the reading of the day (Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle, and Gospel lessons). The church will provide The United Methodist Music and Worship Planner for the appropriate year from which to access hymns, voluntaries, and anthems.
Contact: Richard Keller at: kelrdar@aol.com
Download a copy of the job description
The official Season for Nonviolence begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today.
More information and resourcesTo embody mercy, justice and love as diverse faith partners in Washington County.