After a month and a half of collecting books for the Community Book Drive, the effort culminated with the Day of Caring book sorting. A group of 40+ volunteers sorted, counted, and boxed 13,036 books! Around 3,000 in the birth-5 age range received stickers with reading tips. These books will be distributed to children ages birth-5 at the Community Book Warehouse, and all the other books went to the United Way’s Books United program to distribute throughout the community as needed, with a focus on vulnerable youths and adults.
This is the 10th year of the book drive with more than 126,000 books collected over the years. Most have gone to vulnerable children to help with literacy and school readiness.
The Community Book Drive is a partnership of HARC, the United Way of Washington County, the Judy Center and the Early Childhood Advisory Council. Special thanks to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for hosting the Day of Caring book sorting with awesome volunteers and a great gym.
Thanks to all the houses of worship (21 in total), businesses, organizations and individuals who collected books! (See the full list of collection sites here.) Thanks to our pick up volunteers who drove around and picked them up, hauling them to the LDS church, and to Weiss Brothers for hauling 5 pallets of books to the United Way’s warehouse after the sorting.
Thank you also to all of the volunteers who helped with the mass sorting project in record time! Groups from the Judy Center, Reach, the Library, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Hagerstown Rotary Club, Hagerstown Healthcare, and individuals from churches and the United Way made this huge project fast and FUN.
Finally, a shout out to our amazing planning team: Terri Gwizdala (co-leader), Kelli Tencer (United Way), Kim Halsey, Kathy Kerns, Elaine Rose, Jocelyn Hauer, Kendal Neel, and Kathy Powderly (co-leader).
The Community Book Drive is truly a community effort and example of Living United in Washington County, and the power of faith communities (and community members) working together.