- This Spring brought new life to two refugee families – both had the joy of welcoming home new baby boys!
Fawad and Nargis tried for 15 years to have a child, with no success, until now. Little Benjamin is truly a miracle for this couple, who are overjoyed with their new son. Fawad, a pediatrician in Afghanistan who worked for the government, is now able to care for his own child, and Nargis, a skilled seamstress will keep him well cared for and clothed beautifully as she works from home in her craft.
This family arrived in Hagerstown a little over a year ago with Special Immigrant Visas. After some help from the Refugee Welcome Network (RWN), they are now living independently, with Fawad working at Amazon while he works toward reestablishing a career in medicine.
Aref D and son in April 2024 Aref and Friba arrived in Hagerstown with their two young children in January 2023 seeking asylum from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Aref was a journalist and government official in Afghanistan and Friba was a nurse in a hospital. Adjusting to life in the U.S. has been challenging for them as they had to wait many months for work permits, and their son has had several health issues.
- The couple persevered with a great strength and help from the RWN, and they are now living independently, though life is still not easy. Aref is working at Amazon and Friba was taking nursing classes until she had to go on bed rest with her pregnancy. The couple was thrilled to welcome a new son to the family in April!
RWN members are overjoyed at the two new blessings. As we have gotten to know these and other families, they have become a part of our family and our community. We thank God for them!
Learn more about the Refugee Welcome Network and how you can support this work.