Hagerstown Area Religious Council
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) is a coalition of churches and houses of faith in the Hagerstown area of Washington County.
Celebrate the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels and the Installation of a New Minister of Music: John Sabine
Rite 1 Festival Eucharist
Anthems: Anthem of Dedication, by Warren Martin; Our Gift of Music, by Edwin Taylor; The Lord Bless You and Keep You, by Peter C. Lutkin
Mass Setting: Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena, by Healey Willan
Voluntaries: Sonata III in A Major, by Felix Mendelssohn Processional, by Warren Martin
Hymns: Christ the fair Glory, Ye Holy Angels Bright, Round the Lord In Glory Seated, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, As Newborn Stars Were stirred to Song, Hark, Hark, My Soul, Angelic songs are Swelling, When In our music God is glorified
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The official Season for Nonviolence begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today.
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