S.O.S. Reach currently has 4 unfilled weeks, including the days around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. They would be so thankful for you sharing these days with them.
- 26-30 November
- 15-21 December
- 22-25 December
- 30 December- 4 January
If you are interested in sharing a few hours, hosting a week, a partial week, one evening and/or preparing a meal with your house of worship, work, service group, friends, and/or family, please contact Liz at Reach (Liz@reachofwc.org or 301-733-2371 X-114).
If you are available and interested, please click the google doc link below to confirm dates still available:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLujab2UZY3h2OFHNYTpxtkrt7x8Q0guszLREMC54Pk/edit?fbclid=IwAR2CS0nAxemIGsz5s4ki0IRQsJ0fCE5e37I6vHC2vI2stki9XrAgQ3ZufxM