We can do more together.
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) is a coalition of faith community partners in Washington County, Maryland. Formally registered as Washington County Council of Churches, HARC has been active in the community since 1946 and has been recognized as a 501c3 non-profit organization since 2001. While HARC’s partner congregations can differ greatly on theology, all agree on the strength of working together to build a better community, help those in need, and support one another.
Our Mission
To embody mercy, justice and love as diverse faith partners in Washington County, Maryland.
Belief Statements
We believe in the power of faith communities working together.
We strive to listen when God is speaking, and act boldly together to make a difference in our community. We build collaborations across boundaries of religious differences, as well as with community organizations, to do the work we are called to do.
We believe in nurturing the unlimited potential of every child.
We focus our collaborative efforts on building supports around and creating opportunities for children and families.
We believe all people have equal value and are loved by God.
We seek justice for those who are not treated equally or given equal value by our broken world. We strive to lift up the unique gifts and abilities of people and empower them to be who they were made to be.
We believe in equipping one another to create stronger houses of worship.
We build relationships among clergy and people of faith, and support and encourage one another. We provide information, resources, and connections to enhance the work of congregations, ministries, and community organizations.
Our Logo
The HARC logo was updated in 2018 by a local graphic artist. A circle is a symbol of eternity and never-ending existence shared by many faiths, and the number 3 also has significance in different faith traditions. The three intertwined circles of the HARC logo represent faith traditions that can stand alone, equally, by themselves, and also beautifully intertwine, working together to create something new. The three circles can also be viewed as the three most prominent faith pillars of the world: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
What We Do
Learn more about our Programs