Hebron Mennonite Church in Hagerstown will be offering a program of group spiritual direction starting in October. Through monthly small groups (4-6 persons), participants will gather to pray and share with one another where they sense the presence of God in their lives. The small group serves as a spiritual director/companion in listening and helping each person discern their spiritual path. These groups become sacred listening circles as they pray for one another.
Leadership for these sessions will be provided by Ed Poling, retired Church of the Brethren pastor and trained spiritual director, and Rebecca Rothenhoeffer, United Methodist layperson, personal coach and trained group spiritual direction facilitator. Sessions will be held at Hebron Mennonite Church on the first Tuesday of each month starting on October 1 and concluding in May. An additional session will be held on the fourth Tuesday of October. The regular meeting time is 3 hours from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. The first and last sessions will be six-hour retreats from 3:00-9:00 pm for orientation and evaluation. Each participant will be asked to read Howard Thurman’s book Deep is the Hunger: Meditations for Apostles of Sensitiveness.
There is no cost for the eight-month program. However, a love offering will be taken to help underwrite the cost of the use of the building. The church is located at 13315 Highlane Street, Hagerstown. For more information and a brochure, contact Ed Poling at 301-766-9005 or elpoling1@gmail.com.