Hagerstown Area Religious Council
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) is a coalition of churches and houses of faith in the Hagerstown area of Washington County.
The intent of this event is to promote an opportunity for folks in the community and community businesses to just get to know each other. There is no hidden agenda. Benevola UMC has a great facility and a great community. They feel it is always easier to connect over food and fellowship. They also want to have some resources available to those who come that may be new to the area or are just finding themselves in a place where they need a little help. This is more of a relationship building opportunity versus an evangelistic outreach. Of course, all faiths are built on the premise of caring, trust, and hospitality.
The official Season for Nonviolence begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today.
More information and resourcesTo embody mercy, justice and love as diverse faith partners in Washington County.