Member Congregations
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council is a collaboration of houses of worship and other faith partners. Our members do not all agree on theology, but all believe in working together to embody mercy, justice and love as diverse faith partners in Washington County. The following is a directory of HARC member congregations. Members contribute to the work of HARC through annual dues and a commitment to participate in our work in some way. Members guide our work through input, prayer, and listening to the needs of the community and the calling of the Divine. Members are eligible to vote on official organizational business of HARC. From our members:
“I believe in the power of collaboration to accomplish work in our community, and I think working together is a path to peace.”
“HARC is a group of friends in the community that care about showing love for God and their neighbor. I love being part.”
“HARC gives back to and helps build a better community and I am proud to serve in such capacity to make a difference and to be an advocate in doing God’s work with the talents that God has blessed me with.”
“HARC brings people of diverse faiths an opportunity to work together in service for others.”
“HARC: cares for people and helps the disadvantaged children with books and food. HARC: Is a Bridge for transformation, to bring people of different backgrounds and ethnicities together to build trust and learn to live together in harmony. HARC: Is a promoter of Peace in the city and everywhere.”
To learn more and become a member, contact Kathy Powderly, Executive Director at 301-842-4272 or .
Asbury United Methodist Church
Rev. Sharon Gibson
Troy Gandy
Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren
Rev. Gabriel Dodd
Benevola United Methodist Church
Rev. Suzanne Jones
Christ’s Reformed Church UCC
Rev. Mary Norville
Charlotte Trout
Concordia Lutheran Church
Rev. Mark Moretz
Jean Tichnell, Brenda Horsch
Congregation B’Nai Abraham
Mark Perman
Mike Armel
First Christian Church
Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks
Rev. Dr. Maria Francesca French
Hagerstown Church of the Brethren
Rev. Twyla Rowe
Loyal Vanderveer
Haven Lutheran Church
Rev. Veronica W. Smith
Serena Bell
Hebron Mennonite Church
Anna Ressler
Ed Poling
Impact Ministries
Rev. Les and Lady Dee McIntosh Sr.
Islamic Society of Western Maryland
Nazir Faruki
Dr. Sohrab Shahab
John Wesley United Methodist Church
Rev. Doug Hoffman
Richard Willson
Meritus Medical Center Spiritual Care Services
Rev. Vlad Corea
New Light Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Kelly Crenshaw
Sean Bartel
Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Temple
Venerable Temm Shonin
Otterbein United Methodist Church
Rev. Steve Humphrey
Cindy Brown
Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown
Michelle Brammer
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Rev. Christopher Serufusa
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Rev. F. Allan Weatherholt, Jr.
Deacon Susan Wert
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Msgr. J. Bruce Jarboe
Dr. Mike Parsons
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Lappans
Rev. Dr. Brandt Montgomery
Ed Maloy
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Rev. Brian McClinton
Elaine Rose, Council President and Pat Kelley
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Funkstown
Rev. Lee Brumback
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Beaver Creek Ward
Jonathan Harris
Ashlee Harris
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Hagerstown City Park Ward
Brandon Yamashita
Ashlee Harris
Trinity Lutheran Church, Hagerstown
Rev. Dr. Robert Schmitt
Pam Bradford
Unitarian Universalist Church of Hagerstown
member led
Dodie Ruskie, Faith In Action Chair
Zion Reformed United Church of Christ
Scott Winnette
Kim Ridenour
HARC Affiliate Organizations
Washington County faith-based nonprofit organizations are invited to join HARC as Affiliate Organizations. Affiliates commit to partner in our work and attend meetings as they are able. As partners, HARC also supports the work of our affiliates. Affiliate Organizations are entitled to voice, but not vote, in HARC organizational decisions.
To learn more and become an affiliate, contact Kathy Powderly, Executive Director at 301-842-4272 or
Habitat for Humanity of Washington County
Jenny Fleming
Jessica Scott
Reach of Washington County
Jeannie Asbury
Carla Charles, Richard Willson
Western Maryland Hospital Center
Rev. Rich "Chappy" Bower