Hagerstown Area Religious Council
The Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC) is a coalition of churches and houses of faith in the Hagerstown area of Washington County.
Trunk or Treat will be held at Hagerstown Church of the Nazarene on Sunday, October 27 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. The church is located at 141 N. Edgewood Drive in Hagerstown. They invite families to this fun and safe evening for your children to go around to decorated cars for candy and games. They will also have FREE hot dogs for the whole family to enjoy. Contact the church for questions: 301-797-4524 or visit their website: hagerstownnaz.org.
The official Season for Nonviolence begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today.
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